1. Facebook: Like ATL Symphony Musicians.
Share every one of their statuses. Like, comment, and generally heap positive attention on them. Every click improves visibility and helps spread the message of the ATL Symphony Musicians. They are fighting for the things that help musicians be musicians. So, if you are a musician, support musicians; if you support the existence of an orchestra in your town, please do this.
Share every one of their statuses. Like, comment, and generally heap positive attention on them. Every click improves visibility and helps spread the message of the ATL Symphony Musicians. They are fighting for the things that help musicians be musicians. So, if you are a musician, support musicians; if you support the existence of an orchestra in your town, please do this.
2. Twitter: Follow @ATLSymMusicians.
Retweet, favorite, and reply to every one of their tweets. You never know which on-the-fence board member or administrator in the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra management is on Twitter, and when they'll see it. Maybe your friend of a friend of a friend sees your tweet and is the former babysitter of a major player in this argument. The management needs to feel pressure coming from every direction to end this lockout, and the musicians need to feel support from every corner of the music world to empower themselves to save their orchestra.
Retweet, favorite, and reply to every one of their tweets. You never know which on-the-fence board member or administrator in the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra management is on Twitter, and when they'll see it. Maybe your friend of a friend of a friend sees your tweet and is the former babysitter of a major player in this argument. The management needs to feel pressure coming from every direction to end this lockout, and the musicians need to feel support from every corner of the music world to empower themselves to save their orchestra.
3. Blogs: Follow all the important blogs, and share/retweet everything that supports musicians.
Blogs like Mask of the Flower Prince, Slipped disc, Case Arts Law, Adaptistration, Song of the Lark, and Sticks and Drones have all given more support to musicians by their blogged words than they'll ever know. Blogs affect politicians, administrators, and the public at large. Support these blogs, and the opinions expressed in them, by sharing and commenting on the pages. If a union-buster makes a despicable comment on a blog, do your best to reply in an intelligent, positive way. This shows not only the writer of the negative comment, but anyone else reading the comment threads, who the good guys are.
Blogs like Mask of the Flower Prince, Slipped disc, Case Arts Law, Adaptistration, Song of the Lark, and Sticks and Drones have all given more support to musicians by their blogged words than they'll ever know. Blogs affect politicians, administrators, and the public at large. Support these blogs, and the opinions expressed in them, by sharing and commenting on the pages. If a union-buster makes a despicable comment on a blog, do your best to reply in an intelligent, positive way. This shows not only the writer of the negative comment, but anyone else reading the comment threads, who the good guys are.
4. DONATE: All donations to the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Players' Association are greatly appreciated.